Towards the Sustainable Decommissioning of Fixed Platforms by Aligning Ecosystem Services and Wind Generation: A Brazilian Case


  • Douglas Vieira Barboza Federal Fluminense University, Brazil.
  • Marcelo Jasmim Meiriño Federal Fluminense University, Brazil.
  • Sergio Ricardo da Silveira Barros Federal Fluminense University, Brazil.
  • Ricardo Luiz Fernandes Bella Federal Fluminense University, Brazil.



Descommissioning, Offshore Wind Energy, Environmental Services, Oil Platform, Reuse, Sustainable Technologies


Brazilian legislation, as well as others around the world, determines that oil platforms, mainly fixed, must be decommissioned at the end of the feasibility of exploring the oil field, however, it is not common to consider the loss of ecosystem services that sustain life, the biodiversity and make resources available to humans. Considering the importance of the ecosystems that developed in the substructures of platforms, this work proposes a solution to maintain ecosystem services together with the development of clean, economically viable wind energy generation. For this, a proposal is built based on climatological, geographic, and wind power generation market data that seeks to demonstrate the financial viability of the specific case of the Robalo 1 Platform, which is located about 50 kilometers from other platforms to be decommissioned, in the Sergipe-Alagoas Basin, Brazil. It was found that when minimally valuing ecosystem services such as artificial reefs and integrating wind generation for the non-decommissioning of the fixed platform substructure, from the point of view of net present value, the project proves to be viable.


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Author Biographies

Douglas Vieira Barboza, Federal Fluminense University, Brazil.

PhD in Sustainable Management Systems, Master in Biosystems Engineering and Specialist in Work Safety Engineering from Federal Fluminense University. He holds degrees in Petroleum Engineering, Mathematics, Pedagogy and Administration. Has experience in Engineering and Management, acting on the following topics: Energy Generation, Sustainability, Workplace Safety, Strategic Management and Production Processes. He is currently a professor at the Federal Fluminense University and the University of Vassouras in disciplines in the areas of Sustainability and Management.

Marcelo Jasmim Meiriño, Federal Fluminense University, Brazil.

Architect and Urbanist UFRJ (1995); Master Degree (2008) and Doctoral Degree (2012) in Civil Engineering by UFF; Work and Safety Engineer; Specialization in Energy Efficiency; In all his career has been deepling his studies in the search for Innovative, Efficient and Sustainable solutions in products and services for the most diverse productive sectors; IVLP Exchange ( International Visitor Leadership Program) of the United States Department of State; Current Coordinator of the Professional Master in Management Systems MSG UFF (Fluminense Federal University), Coordinator of the Center for Research on Innovation and Technology for Sustainability (NITS / UFF); Professor of the Civil Engineering Department at Fluminense Federal University UFF; Professor of the PhD Program in Sustainable Management Systems PPSIG UFF and MSG Master Program in Management Systems MSG UFF; Member of the Advisory Committee of Research of the Pro-Rectory of Research, Post-Graduation and Innovation - PROPPi / UFF; Consultant in R & D projects (ANEEL); Author, and also, ad-hoc consultant in journals indexed by JCR, SCOPUS and SciELO databases. Coordinator of the Research Group: Innovations, Strategies, Sustainability and Product and Service Management Systems (CNPq / UFF) where he coordinates researches related to Development of Innovative, Efficient and Sustainable Solutions applicable to the Management of Public and Private Organizations. Coordinator the annual edition of the National Congress on Excellence in Management.

Sergio Ricardo da Silveira Barros, Federal Fluminense University, Brazil.

Economist with a Postdoctoral Fellow in Management Systems by LATEC / UFF - Laboratory Technology, Business Management & the Environment with support from FAPERJ. Researcher Associate and Member of the Scientific Committee REMADS – Network UFF Environment and Sustainable Development. Ph.D. in Geography from Federal Fluminense University in the area of Planning and Environmental. Masters in Environmental Science from UFF in Management Environmental. Currently Adjunct Professor of Universidade Federal Fluminense. Coordinator of actions in projects of Coastal Management, Management Environmental Planning and Territorial Environmental and Economic Valuation. Participate in the following Research Groups UFF / CNPq: in Management Coastal, Risk Management Process.

Ricardo Luiz Fernandes Bella, Federal Fluminense University, Brazil.

PhD and Master in Production Engineering from Universidade Federal Fluminense (UFF), Production Engineer from CEFET / RJ and is currently professor of the Graduation in Production Engineering at Universidade Federal Fluminense, Campus of Rio das Ostras.




How to Cite

Vieira Barboza, D., Jasmim Meiriño, M., da Silveira Barros, S. R., & Fernandes Bella, R. L. (2023). Towards the Sustainable Decommissioning of Fixed Platforms by Aligning Ecosystem Services and Wind Generation: A Brazilian Case. International Journal of Energy Economics and Policy, 13(3), 235–242.


