Multiple Linear Regression Model Applied to the Projection of Electricity Demand in Colombia



The exigencies as soon as to competitiveness and productivity have influenced in the energetic consumption and the demand of electrical energy in Colombia, reason why at the present time it is of much interest and utility to have access to tools or valid models to reach greater knowledge in which related to the possible future projections. Next, the results of a quantitative study are presented that through the analysis of data collected between 2007 and 2017 that made possible the construction of a multiple linear regression model to estimate the demand of electric energy. These types of instruments currently originate as alternatives to promote management strategies in the energy field in the country. The final results allow to visualize an estimated figure for the next periods which will serve to contrast with the official results and to generate from this information possible lines of intervention in different organisms.Keywords: Energy Consumption, Electric Demand, Multiple Linear Regression Model.JEL Classifications: D24; Q43; M31.DOI:


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Author Biographies

Jesús Garcia-Guiliany, Universidad Simon Bolivar

Originally from Venezuela, he holds two Postdoctoral Degrees in Public Management and Government and in Management of Organizations, a Doctorate in Management Sciences, a Master in Marketing Management, an Industrial Engineer. Senior Researcher for Colciencias. Professor at the School of Business Administration, Simón Bolívar University, Barranquilla, Colombia. Research Group Organizational Management. Research Lines Strategic Management, Management and Organizational Competitiveness. Editor Strategic Leadership Magazine, Simón Bolívar University. Evaluator Colciencias pair. Referee of national and international scientific journals.

Emiro De-la-hoz-Franco, Universidad de la Costa - CUC

De-La-Hoz-Franco, Emiro. He was born in Barranquilla, Atlántico, Colombia in 1972. He received a M.Sc. in Computer Engineering and Networks in 2011 and a Ph.D. Degree in Information and Communication Technologies in 2016, both from the University of Granada - Spain. He is currently a full-time professor and member of GIECUC and the Software Engineering and Network research groups of the Universidad de la Costa - CUC (Barranquilla, Colombia). With research interests in machine learning and recognition of activities of daily living - ADL.

Andrés-David Rodríguez-Toscano, Universidad de la Costa - CUC

PhD student in energy engineering, specialist in energy efficient management and mechanical engineer with work experience as an energy engineer, coordinating engineer in the area of maintenance, instrumentation and control, consultant in energy efficiency, commercial technical engineer in the area of materials, researcher in the energy optimization research group (GIOPEN), researcher in the area of advanced materials at the Tecnológico de Monterrey-Whirpool, jointly with Rice University (Houston), university professor in the area of renewable energies, thermodynamics and resistance of materials . Research areas: Energy efficiency, productivity, refrigeration, renewable energy and advanced materials.

Juan-David De-la-Hoz-Hernández, Corporación Universitaria Latinoamericana

De-la-Hoz-Hernández, Juan-David. He was born in Cerete, Córdoba, Colombia in 1994. He received a degree in Industrial Engineering in 2017 from the University of Costa CUC, same place where he developed his diploma in research. Later I made an M.Sc. Own in day trading, swing trading and Portfolio Management by the Institute of Investment Securities and Trading (IBT) in Seville - Spain. He is currently a part-time professor and in charge of the software management of the Latin American University Corporation - CUL (Barranquilla, Colombia). In addition, he participates actively in the Research Network on Organizational Management and Development.

Hugo G. Hernández-Palma, Universidad del Atlántico

Hugo G Hernández Palma. He was born in the city of Barranquilla, Colombia in 1983. He received a degree in Industrial Engineering in 2004 at the Free University of Barranquilla, he specialized in pedagogical studies at the Universidad de la Costa and in design and evaluation of projects at Universidad del Norte. After that, it was received as M.Sc. in Management System in 2012 at the Autonomous University of the Caribbean, currently a student of the Doctorate in Energy Engineering from the University of the Coast - CUC and professor full time University of the Atlantic.




How to Cite

Garcia-Guiliany, J., De-la-hoz-Franco, E., Rodríguez-Toscano, A.-D., De-la-Hoz-Hernández, J.-D., & Hernández-Palma, H. G. (2019). Multiple Linear Regression Model Applied to the Projection of Electricity Demand in Colombia. International Journal of Energy Economics and Policy, 10(1), 419–422. Retrieved from


